Institute of Technology

The world’s leading steel company in innovation, Changwon
  • KS D 7021

    Superior corrosion resistance by adding chromium and nickel alloying elements than ordinary steel, h...

  • KS D 5002

    Reinforcement is a product of circular bars and shapes are used as building materials axial projecti...

  • KS D 3502

    Steel is used to create words refer to collectively rolled steel products in the form of a cross-sec...

Company to become a global company, Changwon
As a professional manufacturer of high-quality companies strive to provide products and services.
  • The accumulated skills and experience

    It offers a high quality heavy duty machinery parts service.

  • Reasonable management

    In collaboration with the members forming the company, committed to tr...

  • Company Prepared

    This optimizes the quality, stable supply and sales are increasing.

  • Variety of products

    Cooperation with manufacturers strive to improve the quality of produc...

  • Enterprise innovation

    The constant development of new technologies to produce superior produ...

Superior technology and products
A company that advanced

industrial goods

  • Plates: 36-TM

    High-performance, as domestic deman...

  • Stainless steel: JISL

    Superior corrosion resistance by ad...

  • Hot-rolled steel plate: SPCC

    The product was rolled to a thickne...

  • Reinforcement: SD1200

    UV Clear coated high light transmit...

  • Reinforcement: SD700

    Reinforcement is a product of circu...

  • Reinforcement: SD500

    The hot-rolled steel at room temper...

It will be a leading company in trust and honesty, and future.
Companies that create value for customers
Committed to the growth of industries and customer satisfaction.